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Barking Buddha Pet Products is an all-natural single ingredient dog treat line that is for the pet lover that wants a Grass Fed, Free Range, Sustainably Sourced dog treat. Our single ingredient chews and treats are an all-natural, healthy and safe for your dog. Our cattle come from a free-range pastures where they can have a happy natural life which results in its sustainability and rich flavor. No hormones or preservatives added.
Apart from being healthy pet snacks we only sell products that we know are delicious even for the pickiest of pets. Our goal is to provide products to individuals, veterinarians, trainers, pet stores and supermarkets that take pet health seriously and understand a result-based diet. We hope that you like our products as much as we do.
We truly believe that... “Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food” - Hippocrates
Our company is happy to support local recues and no-kill animal shelters.
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